
Beauty is more than skin deep.

It’s a feeling of confidence that starts from within. At Brooke Nix Medical Aesthetics, we are proud to offer additional options to enhance healthy living and promote health and wellness, coinciding with healthy skin. Taking care of yourself from all aspects is imperative, which is why we offer the following services.

Nutofol Bubble Photo


Better hair is just the beginning. Our Nutrafol hair supplement is a natural approach targeting thinning hair with proven results. Nutrafol is clinically proven to improve hair growth with visibly more thickness and strength by targeting root causes of thinning hair like stress, environment, and nutrition with medical-grade, natural ingredients to support your whole-body health. Nutrafol supplement lines – Women, Men, Postpartum, and Women’s Balance (peri- and postmenopause) – are available for purchase in office; no prescription required. Revive your hair and confidence with this most-popular supplement.

B12 Injections

Improve your mood, energy, and concentration with B12 injections! B12 helps to maintain proper bodily functions, ensuring the body is running correctly. Not only can these injections improve your overall lifestyle, they are a natural way to boost your immunity and metabolism. B12 injections are a great alternative for those who do not naturally have the appropriate levels of B12 in their system. Schedule a complimentary consultation to determine the B12 treatment plan that is right for you!


Brooke Nix Medical Aesthetics is a proud partner with The Steel Room promoting overall health and wellness through customized nutritional education, exercise guidance & personal accountability. Through our partnership, we are able to help our patients achieve their goals in many ways, including those who are interested in receiving CoolSculpting® treatment who may not initially be an eligible candidate. Contact us to learn more about how The Steel Room could benefit you today!

Wellness Options

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